The sad realities of Union offer an interesting gig.

The sad realities of Union offer an interesting gig.

The tides of secession are brought to us again in the form of examination of that once upon a time, reactions to the now and changing present, resentments of the cheeky attempts to end the civil war and declare a loser.

The tides of secession are brought to us again in the form of gun folks stroking their rights, federal government being an idea whose time is dirty, winners becoming obnoxious in their self sureness, worm turning worm turners being godly, passions flowing, union not an agenda.

The tides of secession are brought to us again in the form of fire and ice and all fights sacred and profane for blessed, unchallenged homogeneity.

The tides of secession are brought to us again in the form of forcing the sad realities of Union put upon the backs of those wishing always for the chance of a way out.

The sad realities of Union offer an interesting gig.

Dominance Games…..politics, news, commentary, analysis…. The dumb …… the honored creed. The rancid bastards …… the true…. the thrill…

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